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Hero_Sezione In Viaggio

Travelling museums

In this collection you will find the exhibitions organized by GAM, MAO and Palazzo Madama for other national and international museums and the artworks of the civic collections that are and have been temporarily on loan in exhibitions, venues and events in other museums in Europe and the world.


Europa. L’illustrazione italiana racconta l’Europa dei popoli in viaggio in Riga

3 November 2023 - 11:27

Sarà visitabile dal 3 novembre 2023 al 24 gennaio 2024, presso la sede del Comune di Riga in Lettonia, la mostra Europa. L’illustrazione italiana racconta l’Europa dei popoli


Africa. Le collezioni dimenticate at Musei Reali

27 October 2023 - 17:37

A large group of works from Palazzo Madama were loaned to the Musei Reali for the exhibition "Africa. The forgotten collections"


Oro bianco. Tre secoli di porcellane Ginori at Museo Poldi Pezzoli

25 October 2023 - 17:24

Atlas that holds the world by the Ginori manufacture was on loan to the Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan