- Exhibition
- 7 October 2021 - 9 January 2022

The exhibition aims to reconstruct the figure of Antoine de Lonhy, a multifaceted artist who was a painter, illuminator, stained glass master, sculptor and author of embroidery designs, and illustrates his extraordinarily important impact for the renewal of the figurative landscape in Piedmont in the second half of the fifteenth century. Having come into contact with Flemish, Mediterranean and Savoyard culture, de Lonhy was the bearer of a European concept of the Renaissance, characterized by the ability to synthesize different figurative languages.
The exhibition is divided into two locations, Palazzo Madama - Civic Museum of Ancient Art of Turin (from 7 October 2021 to 9 January 2022) and the Diocesan Museum of Susa (from 10 July to 10 October 2021), and intends to highlight the travels, movements and itinerant career through Europe of an artist who in his works brought together elements and influences from Burgundy, Provence, Catalonia and Savoy.
Curators: Simone Baiocco and Simonetta Castronovo for the Turin section, Vittorio Natale for the Susa section.
The catalog (368 richly illustrated pages) edited by Simone Baiocco and Vittorio Natale, is published by Sagep Editori and can be purchased at the Palazzo Madama bookshop (cover price € 43).
Mostra Il Rinascimento europeo di Antoine de Lonhy
Intero € 12
Ridotto € 10 (dai 6 ai 25 anni se studenti; over 65; persone con disabilità; associazioni riconosciute; gruppi; enti convenzionati)
Gratuito: minori di 6 anni; accompagnatore persona con disabilità; possessori Abbonamento Musei Torino Piemonte e Torino + Piemonte Card
Scuole: ingresso gratuito previa prenotazione (diritti di prenotazione € 6/classe)
Tariffa speciale Mostra + Museo: Intero € 14; ridotto € 12